Climate Justice

Strong unions, sustainable transport



ETUC guide and video: Involving trade unions in climate action to build a Just Transition

The ETUC guide includes recommendations on: economic diversification and industrial policy, governance and trade union participation, education, training and skills, social protection, and preparing and mobilising trade unions to take climate action.

New IPCC report: expand public transport

New climate change report from the IPCC. Chapter 4 focuses on urban transport and urban planning, electrification of cities and transport, and shipping freight and aviation.

En grön omställning av transportsektorn

Ulf Jarnefjord, Transport, intervjuades av lokaltidningen ETC Göteborg, han talade om samarbetet med ITF:s arbetsgrupp om klimatförändringar. Han översatte ITF:s rapport “Transport workers and climate change: towards sustainable low-carbon mobility” till svenska, och var med och skrev “Transport och klimathotet“…. Continue Reading →

Film: this is what energy democracy looks like

A short film from Trade Unions for Energy Democracy explains clearly the climate crisis and how unions can fight ...

New UN report on climate impact

Climate change 2014: impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability The IPCC’s latest report on the impacts of climate change has been described as the most comprehensive to date. These impacts include a high risk of flooding, sea-level rise, changes to crop yields,… Continue Reading →

ITUC report on COP19 Warsaw

The United Nations climate talks in Warsaw (COP19) in December were never expected to deliver the fair, ambitious and binding deal we need to maintain temperature increases within the 2°C threshold or less. However, with the release of the fifth… Continue Reading →

New IPCC report on climate change

Climate change: science confirms dangers, governments must act now!

Transport och klimathotet – svar från Sverige

Svenska Transportarbetareförbundet har börjat arbeta med klimathotet som en strategiskt viktig fråga.

Transport and the climate threat – response from Sweden

The Swedish Transport Workers Union has begun work on climate change as a strategically important issue.

Unions in Mauritius unite in the fight against climate change

Unions in Mauritius have already started raising awareness about the current and future impacts of climate change in their country.

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