I have just arrived to a nice, warm and lively Marrakesh. A big contrast to Sweden which I left early this morning, where we have had a lot more snow than normal for this time of year, even in the… Continue Reading →
Har precis anlänt till ett varmt, skönt och livligt Marrakesh. En enorm kontrast till det Sverige som jag lämnade tidigt på morgonen, där det för årstiden har fallit extremt mycket snö, även i de södra delarna av landet. I Stockholm… Continue Reading →
The UN climate talks currently taking place in Marrakesh are discussing how to deliver the promises of the historic 2015 Paris Agreement to stay below a 2°C increase in average temperate. The ITUC is leading a delegation of 150 trade… Continue Reading →
For nearly two decades both the aviation and shipping industries have avoided global targets to cut CO2 emissions in the UN climate agreements. But in recent weeks, both the IMO (International Maritime Organisation) and ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation) have… Continue Reading →
31 African young transport workers participated in the ITF’s climate workshop in Dakar, Senegal, which was held as part of 4-day activity for young workers in the region. The other days focused on developing campaigning and organising skills as well… Continue Reading →
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