Climate Justice

Strong unions, sustainable transport



New book: trade unions in the green economy

A new book on Trade Unions in the Green Economy: Working for the Environment was published this week, with contributions from Anabella Rosemberg, ITUC, Laura Martín Murillo, SustainLabour and Sean Sweeney, Cornell Global Labor Institute.

New civil society website for COP17

New website for the coordination of civil society activities for COP17 The website includes a list of activities that will happen during COP17 in Durban as well as access to some useful document and a few short films.

ITUC / GURN workshop: A green economy that works for social progress

The ITUC / GURN workshop on A Green Economy that Works for Social Justice last week provided a stimulating and interesting debate in the lead up to COP17. This second workshop attempted to address the research gaps on climate change and brought together people from a range of unions, research institutes, universities and the ITUC.

New ILO publication

A new ILO pubilcation on Climate Change and Labour: the need for a “Just Transition” emphasises the importance of the role of workers in discussion on the social dimensions of sustainable development and climate change policies, and the fact that until recently they have been excluded.

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