There will be no social justice without environmental protection.
Comencemos con 3 datos: 40 mil millones en transacciones financieras en el año 2010. Promover la inversión en los distintos países de al menos el 2% del PIB en sectores que reduzcan el impacto ambiental de la producción y generan empleos verdes y decentes. Exigencia a los gobiernos de que adopten medidas para que no lleguemos a 1’5ºC de aumento de temperatura media del planeta.
An impatient Trade Union Assembly in Rio on 11-13 June (attended by an ITF delegation) adopted a statement which represents an important step forward, in which it realises “that our current profit-driven production and consumption model, identified as the source of rising social inequalities and environmental degradation, must be replaced if a truly sustainable development is to be achieved”.
ITF delegates from Latin America, Europe and Africa attend the trade union workshop at Rio+20 yesterday. Delegates emphasised the need for climate change to be approached as a class issue, the need to struggle for public ownership and control of energy and the need to build alliances in order to address the economic, social and environmental crisis.
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