Climate Justice

Strong unions, sustainable transport


October 2015

Trade union climate policy adopted in Uganda

Report by Marie Ende, Union to Union who met with ITF affiliates ATGWU and TGWU in Sweden when they attended the ‘Looking back – looking forward: labour and nature through the lens of life histories and prospective sustainability scenarios‘ conference… Continue Reading →

Facklig policy för grön omställning antagen i Uganda

Klimatförhandlingarna ska snart inledas i Paris men redan nu har Transportfacket i Uganda antagit sin första klimatpolicy, med verktyg för att förändra på såväl arbetsplatserna som i samhället i stort. Klimatförändringarna har inverkan på medeltemperatur, havsnivåer och kommer att äventyra… Continue Reading →

ITF climate action day

On 5 October ITF unions across the world took part in the 5 reasons, 5 photos challenge, by talking to at least 5 passengers each in railway and bus stations, airports or taxi ranks around the world. This was part… Continue Reading →

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