Climate Justice

Strong unions, sustainable transport



ITUC comment on UN climate change talks, COP18 Doha

Doha delays put people and the planet at risk.

Unions in Mauritius unite in the fight against climate change

Unions in Mauritius have already started raising awareness about the current and future impacts of climate change in their country.

New book: trade unions in the green economy

A new book on Trade Unions in the Green Economy: Working for the Environment was published this week, with contributions from Anabella Rosemberg, ITUC, Laura Martín Murillo, SustainLabour and Sean Sweeney, Cornell Global Labor Institute.

Sustainable ports…meeting our needs and the needs of future generations

Dockers from ITF affiliates attending the ITF Africa maritime conference in Madagascar (16-18 October) came together to discuss climate change and other environmental issues in ports.

Global trade union roundtable: Energy Emergency, Energy Transition

Asbjørn Wahl, chair of the ITF working group on climate change and Alana Dave, ITF education officer and coordinator of the ITF programme on climate change, attended Energy Emergency, Energy Transition, a global trade union roundtable organised by Cornell Global Labor Institute

New climate change network for Caribbean transport unionists

30 transport trade unionists came together in Barbados for the ITF’s first climate change seminar in the Caribbean. The seminar led to the formation of the ITF Caribbean climate change network.

Kiribati seafarers plan action on climate change at ITF workshop

Seafarers from ITF-affiliate KIOSU (Kiribati Islands Overseas Seafarers’ Union) came together to discuss climate change at the ITF’s first workshop on climate change in the Pacific (6-8 September 2012). Kiribati, where the workshop was hosted, is made up of 33 atolls which are very low lying and therefore highly vulnerable to rising sea level.

ITF Kiribati climate change workshop

The ITF’s first seminar on climate change in the Pacific will be held in Kiribati over the next 3 days. Unions from Kiribati (KIOSU, KOFU and KCTU), Tuvalu Overseas Seafarers’ Union and Fiji Maritime Workers’ Association will be coming together… Continue Reading →

ITUC statement on the Rio Declaration

There will be no social justice without environmental protection.

Río+20: Se acaba el tiempo

Comencemos con 3 datos: 40 mil millones en transacciones financieras en el año 2010. Promover la inversión en los distintos países de al menos el 2% del PIB en sectores que reduzcan el impacto ambiental de la producción y generan empleos verdes y decentes. Exigencia a los gobiernos de que adopten medidas para que no lleguemos a 1’5ºC de aumento de temperatura media del planeta.

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