Climate Justice

Strong unions, sustainable transport



COP24 event: New ITF chair speaks on Just Transition panel

Unions in Action on Just Transition was one of the events held at the WWF Pavilion at COP24 in Katowice, Poland and was organised by the ITUC’s Just Transition Centre and the Canadian Labour Congress event. John Mark Mwanika, ITF… Continue Reading →

Trade unions at COP24 Katowice

The chair of ITF urban transport and ITF unions are participating in the trade union and civil society activities at COP24 in Katowice, Poland, 3-14 December 2018. They will be putting forward workers’ perspectives at transport day which is focusing on… Continue Reading →

Conference: Labour in the climate transition

Watch the ITF discussing transit and smart growth at the ‘labour in the climate transition’ conference held at Berkeley Labor Center. It was one of the official events organised around the Global Climate Action Summit.

ITF statement on ‘green and healthy streets’ to the Global Climate Action Summit

ITF statement on green and healthy streets: transitioning to zero emission transport to the Global Climate Action Summit, San Francisco.

Report from UN’s climate meeting COP22 in Marrakesh

I have just arrived to a nice, warm and lively Marrakesh. A big contrast to Sweden which I left early this morning, where we have had a lot more snow than normal for this time of year, even in the… Continue Reading →

Rapport från FN:s klimatmöte COP 22 i Marrakesh

Har precis anlänt till ett varmt, skönt och livligt Marrakesh. En enorm kontrast till det Sverige som jag lämnade tidigt på morgonen, där det för årstiden har fallit extremt mycket snö, även i de södra delarna av landet. I Stockholm… Continue Reading →

Follow the debate at COP 22 Marrakesh

The UN climate talks currently taking place in Marrakesh are discussing how to deliver the promises of the historic 2015 Paris Agreement to stay below a 2°C increase in average temperate. The ITUC is leading a delegation of 150 trade… Continue Reading →

ITF Africa climate workshop for young workers, Senegal

31 African young transport workers participated in the ITF’s climate workshop in Dakar, Senegal, which was held as part of 4-day activity for young workers in the region. The other days focused on developing campaigning and organising skills as well… Continue Reading →

What is the role of labour in the fight against climate change? Asbjørn Wahl responds

Asbjørn Wahl, chair of the ITF working group on climate change and chair of the ITF urban transport committee presents his paper on the role of labour in the fight against climate change at the Global Labour University’s annual conference… Continue Reading →

TGWU green reps refresher workshop

The theme of the workshop in Malawi was “tackling climate change and changing jobs in a changing climate”. The Transport and General Workers Union organized a refresher workshop from 22-25 September 2016 in Blantyre, Malawi. The workshop was a follow-up… Continue Reading →

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