Climate Justice

Strong unions, sustainable transport



People’s climate march – unions confront the climate crisis

The ITF and affiliates are attending the people’s climate march on 21 September in New York. Find out why unions should get involved and let us know if you will be attending.

People’s climate parliament, Sweden

Members of the Swedish Transport Workers’ Union attended the people’s climate parliament in Sweden to put pressure on politicians to include climate change as a focus in the election debates and to show that there is still strong opinion on the issue.

Report from Sofia – climate change and public transport

I am proud to belong to an organisation like the ITF. Together with many of its affiliates, it has contributed strongly to giving thousands and thousands of workers a better life.

¿Se puede ser sindicalista y a la vez ecologista?

En no pocas ocasiones nos encontramos ante la dicotomía sobre si la defensa del empleo ha de estar por encima de la protección del medio ambiente, sobre todo en determinados sectores productivos que tienen sobre sí esa mácula de contaminación, predación de recursos naturales o riesgos concretos y directos para la salud de la ciudadanía

US workers demand investment in urban public transport

Around 1,000 public transport workers from 40 states gathered in Washington DC, USA on 20 May to demand more investment in metros and buses in the country’s cities and towns. At the rally, leaders of two ITF affiliates – the… Continue Reading →

New UN report on climate impact

Climate change 2014: impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability The IPCC’s latest report on the impacts of climate change has been described as the most comprehensive to date. These impacts include a high risk of flooding, sea-level rise, changes to crop yields,… Continue Reading →

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