Ulf Jarnefjord, Transport, intervjuades av lokaltidningen ETC Göteborg, han talade om samarbetet med ITF:s arbetsgrupp om klimatförändringar. Han översatte ITF:s rapport “Transport workers and climate change: towards sustainable low-carbon mobility” till svenska, och var med och skrev “Transport och klimathotet“…. Continue Reading →
Trade unions and climate change: a conversation with Naomi Klein & Jeremy Corbyn at COP21.
Twitter summary #JezWeKlein
The Paris deal recognises the reality of the climate threat, but only takes us part of the way. Climate change is already destroying lives and livelihoods with more than 2.6 million people displaced by extreme weather events and changing seasons…. Continue Reading →
At the citizen’s climate summit – an alternative space set up during the COP21 climate talks, the second ITUC panel discussion looked at gender and a just transition. Panellists from trade unions and women’s organisations discussed the effects of climate… Continue Reading →
Asbjørn Wahl speaks to us after the ITF's COP21 event entitled 'Reduce Emissions! Perspectives on Expanding and Improving Public Transport'.
Naomi Klein and Jeremy Corbyn (UK labour party leader) spoke to a full house on Monday in Paris to discuss solutions to the climate crisis and the role of trade unions‘ . As a member of Trade Unions for Energy… Continue Reading →
Watch Eleanor Blomstrom of WEDO (Women's Environment & Development Organisation) talking about the gender aspects of Colombia's Rapid Transit System. She spok...
Asbjørn Wahl speaks at the Citizen’s Climate Summit in Paris… “Humanity is currently faced with a number of deep and challenging crises: economic crisis, social crisis, political crisis, food crisis – and last, but not least, the climate crisis, which… Continue Reading →
Una nueva sesión de la COP21 en el marco del movimiento sindical, esta vez relacionada con las alianzas posibles con los Movimientos sociales. Sindicatos y Movimientos sociales: Desafíos y perspectivas de alianzas frente al cambio. Así reza el titulo del… Continue Reading →
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