ITF young workers in Africa call for green reps and climate change educators
Young workers from Africa have called for action on climate change, following a 3-day ITF seminar in Johannesburg. There were 24 participants from 16 different countries, including African members of the ITF working group on climate change and Dorothy Nadera, ITF young workers committee member.
One of the outcomes from the seminar will be an ITF African young workers network on climate change, which will enable participants to keep in contact following the seminar and to share the development of their work on climate change. The participants will be reporting back to their unions, sharing their understanding and calling for greater awareness on climate change among their members. Many will also be looking into the possibility of green reps and organising workshops on the issue in their unions.
During the seminar, the participants learnt about the impact of climate change in Africa from the members of the ITF climate change working group and discussed their own experiences, heard from a speaker from the COSATU / NALEDI climate change reference group on the causes of climate change, discussed climate change, transport and employment issues, found out about union campaigns on climate change including SATAWU’s work with WWF in South Africa and developed their own action plans. Young workers are often the most affected by inequalities in society; young workers want to change these inequalities and this means changing the system which exploits workers and the environment.
For more information on ITF’s young workers, visit
November 14, 2013 at 3:30 pm
youth are known to be leaders and carrier of mantle of leadership………. the best way to pick the mantle is to keep clamouring for global change and globally change in the climate is the most priority for us…..this is because………… climate change is known as global threat……