New climate change report from the IPCC. Chapter 4 focuses on urban transport and urban planning, electrification of cities and transport, and shipping freight and aviation.
For nearly two decades both the aviation and shipping industries have avoided global targets to cut CO2 emissions in the UN climate agreements. But in recent weeks, both the IMO (International Maritime Organisation) and ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation) have… Continue Reading →
31 African young transport workers participated in the ITF’s climate workshop in Dakar, Senegal, which was held as part of 4-day activity for young workers in the region. The other days focused on developing campaigning and organising skills as well… Continue Reading →
Organisers and activists of the TGWU called for the union to speed up the development of its climate change policy and promised to take up the issue in their workplaces.
Unions in Mauritius have already started raising awareness about the current and future impacts of climate change in their country.
Dockers from ITF affiliates attending the ITF Africa maritime conference in Madagascar (16-18 October) came together to discuss climate change and other environmental issues in ports.
The ITF’s first seminar on climate change in the Pacific will be held in Kiribati over the next 3 days. Unions from Kiribati (KIOSU, KOFU and KCTU), Tuvalu Overseas Seafarers’ Union and Fiji Maritime Workers’ Association will be coming together… Continue Reading →
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