Climate Justice

Strong unions, sustainable transport



Trade unions at COP24 Katowice

The chair of ITF urban transport and ITF unions are participating in the trade union and civil society activities at COP24 in Katowice, Poland, 3-14 December 2018. They will be putting forward workers’ perspectives at transport day which is focusing on… Continue Reading →

Conference: Labour in the climate transition

Watch the ITF discussing transit and smart growth at the ‘labour in the climate transition’ conference held at Berkeley Labor Center. It was one of the official events organised around the Global Climate Action Summit.

ITF statement on ‘green and healthy streets’ to the Global Climate Action Summit

ITF statement on green and healthy streets: transitioning to zero emission transport to the Global Climate Action Summit, San Francisco.

Public transit is key to tackling global warming

Read TWU's article on why climate justice, decent work and public transport are inextricably linked. Public transit is key to tackling global warming.

Read TWU’s article on why climate justice, decent work and public transport are inextricably linked. Public transit is key to tackling global warming.

This is OUR public transport!

The ITF priority project OUR public transport was launched at the ITF road and rail conference in Brussels this week. Share and watch the new short film, This is our public...

ITF and UITP unite to promote public transport to tackle climate change

The ITF and the UITP (International Association of Public Transport) have joined forces to put public transport at the forefront of tackling climate change. At the ITF’s road and rail conference in Brussels the UITP Secretary General, Alain Flausch, and… Continue Reading →

Will you take the climate action challenge? 5 reasons, 5 photos

Over 30 ITF unions have signed up to take action on 5 October, where they will be taking to the streets to talk with passengers about how using and investing in public transport can cut emissio...

5 أكتوبر و 29 نوفمبر 2015 مؤتمر الأمم المتحدة المعني بتغير المناخ: احفظ هذه التواريخ من أجل الاجراءات و

هذا هو السبب، بوصفنا نقابات في الـITF نقوم بتنظيم وسائل النقل العام، ندعوك الى رفع مستوى الوعي مع العمال و الركاب حول تغير المناخ و أهمية وجود مواصلات عامة جيدة.

L’action sur la question du changement climatique – réservez la date du 5 octobre!

Nous vous appelons à sensibiliser les travailleurs et les passagers à la question du changement climatique et à l’importance d’avoir des transports publics de qualité.

Climate action on 5 October – save the date!

We’re calling on ITF unions to raise awareness with unions, workers and passengers about climate change and the importance of having good public transport.

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