Climate Justice

Strong unions, sustainable transport


Green jobs

ETUC guide and video: Involving trade unions in climate action to build a Just Transition

The ETUC guide includes recommendations on: economic diversification and industrial policy, governance and trade union participation, education, training and skills, social protection, and preparing and mobilising trade unions to take climate action.

Public transit is key to tackling global warming

Read TWU's article on why climate justice, decent work and public transport are inextricably linked. Public transit is key to tackling global warming.

Read TWU’s article on why climate justice, decent work and public transport are inextricably linked. Public transit is key to tackling global warming.

New ILO course: Green Jobs for a just transition to low-carbon and climate resilient development

A newly developed training course is being offered by the ITC-ILO on: Green jobs for a just transition to low-carbon and climate-resilient development which will run from 16 May – 10 June 2016 and includes a 3-week distance learning preparatory… Continue Reading →

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